It has been twenty days since the new year. Twenty days since our insta-feeds were blessed with more positivity than I had seen in the whole of 2018. Twenty days since we started afresh, writing down our goals and positioning our mind to achieve greatness. Twenty days that we have been sharing with our friends and loved ones what we hope to achieve this year.
If you are not part of the masses that I am referring to, I hope you too can connect pen to paper and write down your resolutions. Goals focus you. They give you long-term vision and short-term motivation. You can organise your time, your resources and truly make the most of your year.
However – In my experience, New Year’s resolutions are merely hopes that are forgotten about by the 1st of February. We were all sat there in our wealth of optimism, promises ourselves the world of change, with the most convincing affirmations, but what has really changed since the in the last twenty days. Did you start eating healthy? Did you apply for that promotion? Did you tell someone how you truly felt? Have you booked a holiday? Have you given to charity? #realitycheck
I know your stomach is turning just as much as mine, because just like you I have hardly worked on my goals. My reality: I have a Christmas food baby that seems to be growing bigger, I haven’t written a blog in 7 days. In short, I have been in holiday mode…just like you.
Don’t get me wrong, can continue living in holiday mode – it is comfortable. But, I get way too many emails me saying that I inspire people for me to sit here and convince myself and YOU that we have been the best version of ourselves. It simply has not happened.
It is for this reason why I write this blog because I would love to see you have an all year’s resolution…I dare you to spend the next 12 months exclusively to your goals. No announcements, just roll up your sleeves and do the work. To write down your affirmation, stick it on your ceiling, put it in your wallet, on your bathroom mirror so you can read it several times a day and remind yourself in times of procrastination. This way, you can remind yourself when a distraction tries to snatch your time, emotion and energy that it is only taking away from you executing your dreams.
It is more than simply writing down your goals, we all know we have got to put in MAJOR work, time, sacrifice and effort to achieve with the precision we truly desire. It is easy to think that partying and socialising is truly living your best life, but as you grow older, you’ll occasionally opt to read on a Saturday instead of getting reckless. Once you have a clear goal, you’ll happily opt to isolate yourself in a room to mastermind instead of chatting about the same shit, with the same people. This way, we will feel the true rewards of consistency and the sweet taste of knowing you never gave up, because trust me there will be people that give up. These New Year’s Resolutions will sometimes always stay January fever for some, but I truly want you to consider the rewards of going all in.
Do send me a DM via Instagram or comment with what your all year resolutions are. I am really intrigued to hear your thoughts on this and if this has helped you in any way in focusing your mind to making this month, and the remaining year really count.
Finally, thank you all so much for all the love on my Instagram and blog…it is truly incredible getting some of your heartfelt messages!
HS xo