Your future self will look back at this time and either thank you or hate you. You’ll never get the seconds back that you spent reading the last sentence but hopefully by spending 10 minutes reading this blog, you’ll spend your weeks and months ahead more wisely.
We’re in a lockdown. Mental health is being tested. Our businesses have closed shop. Separation rates are high. The news is broadcasting Covid death rates and recessions on a daily basis. If you’re coming out of lockdown happy, healthy and safe with your friends and family by your side – this is something to be really proud of and for many this will be enough and that is okay.
Beyond this, we frequently see captions preaching that ‘if your entrepreneurial spirit has not been unleashed during this pandemic, it is not in you’. Sounds harsh, but I sympathise with the context. Remember that you may never experience a pandemic again, IN YOUR WHOLE LIFETIME. Shops, Bars and Restaurants are all closed. In most cases, you can’t see your friends or family. You have minimal distractions.
This . Is. Your. Time. To. Focus.
I know you’ve heard it before and I’m not here to give you the cliche lines of ‘start that small Instagram page’, ‘write that business plan’, ‘execute that project you’ve been putting off’. You know exactly what you need to do. But, I must remind you that:
You’ll look back at this and wish you had spent your time more wisely. Wasting time has almost become popularised. It’s normal to spend every weekend out partying, living paycheck to paycheck and only planning for tomorrow – it’s the YOLO life that social media promotes. ‘Living your best life’ brings so much pressure. A culture has been created where everything should be accessible. Success has become a given with minimal effort and patience is scarce – if you don’t reach your goals within a set time, you give up.
But, please be aware that if you want to ACTUALLY ‘live your best life’ – something has to give way. You’re going to have to sacrifice. You’ll have to tighten your hand and save. Network with the RIGHT types of people, invest your time in elevating yourself, read books, listen to podcasts, go to conferences, plan for the future and steer away from what seems like the popular option if will hinder your development – like sporting the newest designer bag, saying no to a few fancy dinners a month and spending all your time living for others.
Please trust me and make these sacrifices now – your future self will thank you for them. Having 20k savings in your bank is cool. Being able to get a mortgage is cool. Having a good credit score is cool. Yes, it’s not commercialised via our everyday social media intake but it’s COOL. Right now, envision yourself in 5 years and ask yourself ‘if I continue to live the lifestyle I am living right now, will I be able to reach my goals that I deeply desire?’ Think again, and be realistic this time.
If the answer is no, change it up because if you’re not where you want to be right now, whatever you’ve been doing isn’t working. The faster you stomach that, the quicker you’ll be able to SWITCH. IT. UP. The good life will come because it will be real, tangible and true to you, far from a facade. You’ll have worked so hard that your dreams have come true in reality and the sacrifices you made will be all worth it.
If Covid has taught you anything, it should be that life is so unpredictable. You need to be able to fall back on something. Rainy days do indeed come. International organisations have gone bust. Small business have failed. Families can’t afford to keep their lights on. You must plan for these times. Your future literally depends on it.
I speak passionately about this because at 25 years old I’m proud of the choices I’ve made. I’m excited for the future because I have saved money. I understand the value of the pound because I have started a business. This is adulting. Get comfortable with it because it creeps up on everyone. Make wise choices so you’re in the best position to kiss the butt of adulting. Be wise, stay open to opportunities and think about what will serve your future self best. Leave the YOLO life to the wreck-less. Life is going to be so much sweeter with focus.
With Love, Henna.